Create a New Amazon S3 Endpoint

    NOTE: Only master admins are authorized to add, edit and delete endpoints in the application.

    To create a new endpoint for data exported to an Amazon S3 bucket, do the following:

    1. In the Account Settings page, select the ​Endpoints tab, and then select the ​Amazon S3​​ Endpoints tab. 

    1. Click ​the Add a new S3 endpoint button​​. The Add a new S3 endpoint window opens.   


    1. In the Add a new S3 endpoint window, enter the following details about the S3 bucket:
    • Bucket Name​​: This must be the same name given to the bucket in AWS
    • Path in Bucket​​: A directory created in S3 to copy the dataset. For example, production/
    • AWS S3 Region​​: Enter the region where the bucket resides. For example,  us-east-1
    • AWS Access Key Id​​: From the  IAM user. For example,  FAKEKEYAKIA2EYKPPXN
    • AWS Secret Access Key​​: From the IAM user secret access key.
    1. Click ​Save​​.

    An integrity test of the endpoint is triggered automatically. 

     A success message is displayed after the test.

    The new S3 endpoint appears in the list of S3 endpoints.

    When setting the IAM role, these are the minimum required permissions:
    "s3:GetBucketPublicAccessBlock", "s3:PutObject", "s3:GetObject", "s3:DeleteObject"

    Editing an existing S3 Endpoint

    To edit an existing S3 endpoint in the application, do the following:

    1. In the Account Settings page, select the ​Endpoints tab, and then select the ​Amazon S3​​ Endpoints tab.

    1. In the row of the endpoint that you wish to edit, click on the Edit icon. The Edit S3 endpoint window appears.


    1. Enter the details of the S3 endpoint that you want to modify.
    2. Click Save.

    An integrity test of the endpoint is triggered automatically. 

    A success message is displayed after the test.


    Deleting an existing S3 Endpoint

    To delete an existing S3 endpoint in the application, do the following:

    1. In the Account Settings page, select the ​Endpoints tab, and then select the ​Amazon S3​​ Endpoints tab.

    1. In the row of the endpoint that you wish to delete, click on the Delete icon. 
    2. A message box appears, prompting you to confirm that you wish to delete the endpoint.


    1. Click OK to confirm the deletion (or Cancel to cancel the deletion).
    2. If you confirm the deletion, the endpoint is deleted, and disappears from the list of S3 endpoints.











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