Dynamics Entities and Tables Included and Excluded in Backups

    Admins can configure the backup services to include or exclude *History, *Share, and *Feed Tables.

    Generally, the data backup includes:

    • Standard & Custom dataverse tables, excluding:
      • Entities/Tables unsupported by the API. For the full list below, click here.
      • Virtual tables
      • System tables
    • ​​​All fields in a given table, with the exceptions of:
      • Calculated/Roll up fields
      • Formula fields
      • Address composite fields in Account and Contact
      • Logical fields. Their data source is located in another entity.
    • Files (Attachments in annotations, Email attachments, and file/image fields)
    • Activities
    • Knowledge Base Articles

    Admins can configure the backup service to exclude tables that are not business critical to reduce the overall backup time. By default, the following tables are excluded, but can be included back into the backup scope by the user:

    • Audit
    • emailsearches
    • Mailboxes
    • Plugintracelogs
    • Postcomments
    • Posts
    • Principalobjectaccessset
    • Workflows​​
    • customapirequestparameters
    • datalakefolderpermissions
    • msdyn_aiconfigurations
    • msdyn_richtextfiles
    • msdyn_copilotinteractiondatas
    • msdyn_ocrecordings
    • msdyn_transcripts
    • msdyn_agentcapacityupdatehistories
    • msdyn_aievents
    • msdyn_unifiedroutingdiagnostics
    • msdyn_conversationmessageblocks

    Entities excluded by code

    • businessprocessflowinstances
    • dependencynodes
    • exchangesyncidmappings
    • searchtelemetries
    • msdyn_teamschatsuggestion
    • principalentitymaps
    • userqueries
    • traceassociations
    • userentityuisettingsset

    #Entities/Tables unsupported by the API

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