Re-Authenticating Refreshed Sandboxes

    After refreshing a sandbox environment in Salesforce, a new org ID is created as part of the refresh. This will cause the sandbox service in Own to no longer be authenticated and backups for that service will fail until the service is successfully re-authenticated.

    The process is as follows:
    1. After refreshing the Sandbox, re-authenticate your user by entering the credentials of the Salesforce user from the refreshed sandbox.
    2. A new Backup service will be created. This is expected behavior from Salesforce because the Org Id of the new Sandbox is new and unique.
    3. Archive the old Backup service (from the Options Menu). This will prevent Recover from attempting to back up the old Backup service and generate errors.

    NOTE: If the authentication seems to work but the backup still fails, ensure that the Salesforce Org ID on the service matches the Org ID of the refreshed sandbox. If it does not, create new services after re-authenticating the old ones.

    * Please note that this process applies only to Sandbox environments.


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