Seeding into a Salesforce Production Org: Requirements, Limitations and User Interface Details

    Own’s Seeding application provides the capability to execute seeding jobs that use a Salesforce production org as the job’s Destination (seeding into a Salesforce production org). Use of this capability has the following requirements and limitations:

    1. Available per account by customer request to Own technical support
    2. Customer/account must have purchased Own’s Recover and Accelerate products
    3. Available for use only in a Salesforce provider data environment
    4. Only the user that is assigned the Master Admin role is shown/can select valid production orgs in the UI’s Seed…> <template name> dialog >General tab >Destination field drop-down
    5. The number of records that can be seeded into a production org is limited to 10K records. When the number of records to be seeded exceeds this limit, the seeding job is canceled
    This number of records limit can be increased by customer request to Own technical support.
    1. Only the published version of a seeding template - whether a Nodes template or a Levels template - can be used to seed into a production org
    2. In order to execute a seeding job into the selected production org, the production org must have a valid/successful backup that satisfies both of the following conditions:
      1. The backup contains all of the seeding template’s objects
      2. The backup was executed within the last 24 hours

    (This requirement safeguards the user’s ability to perform a Restore of the production org’s data, should it be necessary following the execution of the seeding job.) If the Seeding application identifies that no such backup exists, the seeding job is canceled

    1. ​​​​​​​​​​​​​The Users object is not supported for seeding into a production org. Should a seeding template include this object, the seeding job fails with the relevant error message
    2. Seeding methods Incremental and Upsert are available for seeding into a production org (method Clean and Insert is not available for use)
    3. Automations cannot be disabled for seeding into a production org
    4. Scheduling a seeding job is not supported for seeding into a production org
    5. Own API does not support (can’t be used for) seeding into a production org

    User Interface Details

    • In the Seed…> <template name> dialog >General tab >Destination field drop-down, valid production orgs display grouped by their provider, for example, Salesforce Production
    • Upon user confirmation of the seeding into a production org, Seeding processing records the following information about the event in the UI’s Auditing tab ( >Account Settings>Auditing tab):

    <username> has confirmed seeding to production service: <production_service> using template:"<template_name>"with id: #<template_id> from source service: <source_service> (Seeding)

    • In the Recent Seeds tab, seeding jobs that seed into a Salesforce production org, their Destination column entry displays in blue highlight



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