Getting Started with Recover for FedRAMP

    Before getting started, it is important to understand what is available in Recover due to FedRAMP limitations.

    The following features and applications are limited:

    • Sign Up:​​ Contact Own Support for sign up assistance.
    • Authentication Methods:
      • Salesforce: Single Sign On (SSO) is the only authentication method available for login.
      • ServiceNow: OAuth is the only authentication method available for login.

    The following features and applications are unavailable:

    • API​
    • BYOS / BYOK / BYO-KMS​​
    • ​​ICE/Blockchain Verify​​
    • ​​Export​​
    • Discover​​
    • ​​High Frequency Backup​​

    To get started with Recover for FedRAMP, please review this compilation of articles, walkthroughs, and videos:

    • Onboarding Preparations:​ This article​​ explains how to prepare for and what to expect from the initial onboarding call.
    • Sign Up:​ Unlike the standard Recover sign up process, FedRAMP users must contact Own's support team for assistance. This article​​ explains the assisted sign up process.
    • Authentication Methods:
      • Configuring Single Sign On (SSO):​ This ​article​​ explains how to configure Single Sign On for an account.
      • Configuring OAuth: This article explains how to configure OAuth for an account.
    • Adding Services:
      • Salesforce: This ​article​​ explains how to add and configure services in Recover for Salesforce.
      • ServiceNow: This ​article​​ explains how to add and configure services in Recover for ServiceNow.
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