Archive Search FAQs

    Q. Why can't I see the “Archive Search” tab?

    A. Make sure that you have “Archive Search” permission set on your org.

    Q. How can I improve my Search?

    A. Try locating the record ID and search for it. Try searching the owner ID of the record, rather than the Owner display name, which is not searchable. If you still can’t find what you are looking for please contact Customer Support and provide the following details:

    • Search term(s)
    • What you were expecting to see (Sobject type, and how many, or maybe a child or root record found to be missing)?
    • When did you think the result was archived? If you can provide the audit file/request ID this would help our team analyze the problem faster. 
    • How long do you think the archive operation contained the result?

    Q. How far back can Archive Search go?

    A. Archive Search provides access to all archived data. Beginning with Package 19, data archived within the last two years will be immediately accessible in search results; for records archived more than two years ago, users will be able to leverage an extended search feature to view older archived records.

    Q. I can’t find a particular record in Archive. What could be the problem?

    A. It can take up to two hours to see archived data in the Archive Search Results. This is due to a sync process between the Archive DB and the search engine.

    Q. Are any sObjects not searchable?

    A. The following sObjects are not searchable: Relation, History, Share, Feed.

    Q. Can I search within an Email Message?

    A. You can search the email subject or sender name but searching the email content is not supported

    Click here for more information on Archive Search in Archive.                           

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