The Authenticated User for Archive can be a clone of the Authenticated User you created for the Backup and Recover apps, or the out-of-the-box Salesforce System Admin with additions, where needed.
This article guides you through the process:
Method 1 - Clone the Backup/Recover Authenticated User Clone the Authenticated User you created for the Backup and Recover apps to a new user as the Archive Authenticated User. This will automatically copy and have assigned the same profile, and all of the same permission sets.
Method 2- Use the Salesforce System Admin. Create a new user with the Salesforce out-of-the-box System Admin license.
For both methods:
If you are using Archive with a Veeva org, the Authenticated User must have Veeva administrator permissions (no separate license as such), plus an additional Veeva permission, “CALL_ARCHIVE_USER”, which is required for the Authenticated User to allow it to delete submitted calls.
Permission / Setting Name
Permission Type
Reason / Use Case
Bulk API Hard Delete
System Permissions (Administrative Permission)
Activation of Bulk API Hard Delete on System Administrator Profile
For more information on using the Salesforce Integration User License (API Only) as your Authenticated User see here.
For information on Salesforce user permissions for an Authenticated User of Backup & Restore, see here.
For information on Salesforce user permissions for an Authenticated User of Seeding, see here.
For more information on user profile permissions in Salesforce, see here.